2012. április 21., szombat

New GMail UI in Firefox

I have headache caused by the new GMail UI what can not be reverted now. The UI is much worse than the old and every theme in the GMail is a joke: the message thread is not readable because the low contrast of the message titles on light themes and the dark themes opens the messages in very light colors. It is a real joke.

After plenty of trials the following mixture of extensions helped me to bear with the situation:

Stylish - GMail Theme (but removing the background image code manually), Add labels to toolbar icons
Greasemonkey (userscripts.org) - GMail Compact

Now it is usable and quite nice.

2012. április 18., szerda

Eclipse in kinda full-screen mode (KDE/Ubuntu)

EDIT: The eclipse full screen plug-in does not work in Eclipse Kepler. Only permanent hiding of the status bar is possible with this method:

Normal mode:
- Pros: Nothing to do
- Cons: Little space for code editing in Eclipse

Normal fullscreen mode with KWin:
- Pros: Easy to do
- Cons: When navigating back to the desktop with Eclipse, the Plasma panels are over the fullscreen application what is very annoying to fix every time: switch to an other app with Alt-Tab and back.

Mixture mode done by me:
Pros: A compromise to hide as many parts of the Eclipse window as possible, but having a Plasma panel visible.
Cons: The Window/Full Screen must be executed every time after starting the Eclipse to hide the toolbar+status bar.

What should be done:
I have two Plasma panels on my screen, on the top and bottom of the screen. The top has the system tray, indicators and gmail notifiers, the bottom has the task list, app launchers and desktop indicator. -> It is not too important to have the bottom all the time visible.

1. Set the bottom Plasma panel to Auto-hide under the More Settings after unlocking.
2. Install the fullscreen plug-in for Eclipse: http://code.google.com/p/eclipse-fullscreen/downloads/list
3. Start Eclipse and go to Window menu -> Preferences -> General/Full Screen. Uncheck the "Hide Menu Bar in Full Screen Mode".
4. Go to KDE System Settings -> Window Behavior -> Window Rules. Create a new rule with:

Window/Description: Eclipse rule
Window/Window class: eclipse and "Exact match" is selected.
Window/Match whole window class: Check in.
Window Extra/Window types: check only "Normal window" in.
Window Extra/Window title: "C/C++" for eclipse-cdt, but e.g "Java" for normal java dev with Eclipse. And "Substring match" is selected. (avoiding a fullscreen splash screen when starting Eclipse)
Geometry/Maximized horizontally: Force/Checked in (ensuring full size without maximizing the window)
Geometry/Maximized vertically: Force/Checked in (ensuring full size without maximizing the window)
Geometry/Fullscreen: Force/NOT checked in (preventing to go into real fullscreen because the plug-in tries to force it)
Preferences/No border: Force/Checked in (hiding the window decorations)

5. Save/apply the rule
6. Start the Eclipse and continue coding

2012. április 16., hétfő

Fix multiple calendars in Google Calendar (Android)

Normally, a gmail account is used with multiple calendars (own and subscribed calendars). By default, the handling of the multiple calendars in the Google Calendar for Android is poor and buggy. On my Gingerbread phone (Samsung Galaxy W), the multiple calendars showed up randomly and I was never be able to get it working. Until now because the Business Calendar Free can see and configure all of the calendars for multiple accounts without problems (shame on Google):

1. Install the Business Calendar Free application from the Google Play (aka Google Market).
2. Start the Business Calendar Free and check in the interested calendars during the wizard in the first startup.
3. Ready. The selected calendars will show up in the official Google Calendar app as well, the Business Calendar Free can be uninstalled.

2012. április 3., kedd