2015. augusztus 13., csütörtök

Shishi odoshi vs. nyúl

Szal, egy nyúl ma azt hitte, hogy felzabálja a büszke bokrunkat a kertben. Aztán a shishi odoshi helyrerakta.

2015. augusztus 6., csütörtök

A new update of my artificial intelligence for Sony ERS-7 robots

Here comes the new update of my AiBO+ AIBOWare for Sony ERS-7: AiBO+ 3.1 - Let's Play!

New changes in this release:

- New sound profiles with voice acting (text-to-speech, Marissa, Gillian)
- A game can be played with AIBO
- Reworked pick-up mode/fall over/poking detection
- Configurable adaptive volume control
- Quicker responses for petting
- Less stress on the motors
- Many small fixes

The AiBO+ AIBOWare must be installed in a PMS stick and an AiBO+ Client application can be run under Windows, Ubuntu Linux and Android.

The installation instructions and a detailed user guide are available on this page:


2015. augusztus 3., hétfő

Second astrophoto - Shapley 1

Shapley 1 (planetary nebula)

Captured with telescope T32 of iTelescope network, Side Springs Observatory, Australia.

Capture parameters: LRGB, 14x120, 4x120, 4x120, 4x120.

It is my second trial with astroimaging. I was a bit surprised that I got better results when I tried to work with uncalibrated images. I tried various filters, but none of them given reasonable results with shutter speed 300 seconds.


2015. május 24., vasárnap

Conversion script for FujiFilm FinePix W3 3D camera videos (avi) to SBS mp4 under Linux

When the following script is run, it looks for avi files in the current folder whose name starts with DSC... and their format is motions jpeg.
The left/right channels of the original W3 video are extracted and a final side-by-side video is created. All new videos will be in mp4 format.

Here it is the script:



if [ ! $file_pattern ]; then
  file_pattern="DSC*.avi DSC*.AVI"

for file in $(ls -f $file_pattern 2> /dev/null)
  echo Checking $file
  if [[ "$(file $file)" == *"video: Motion JPEG"* ]]; then
    echo Processing $file
    echo Create left video: "$filenamebase"_l.mp4
    ffmpeg -loglevel error -i $file -f mp4 -acodec mp3 -map 0:v:1 -map 0:a:0 "$filenamebase"_l.mp4
    echo Create right video: "$filenamebase"_r.mp4
    ffmpeg -loglevel error -i $file -f mp4 -acodec mp3 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 "$filenamebase"_r.mp4
    echo Join left/right videos to a half SBS video: "$filenamebase"_sbs.mp4
    ffmpeg -loglevel error -i "$filenamebase"_l.mp4 -i "$filenamebase"_r.mp4 \
           -filter_complex "pad=in_w*2:in_h, overlay=main_w/2:0, scale=in_w/2:in_h" \
           -f mp4 -b:v 6000k -acodec copy -map 0:a:0 "$filenamebase"_sbs.mp4
    echo Rename left video to 2d version: "$filenamebase"_l.mp4 to "$filenamebase"_2d.mp4
    mv "$filenamebase"_l.mp4 "$filenamebase"_2d.mp4

2015. április 26., vasárnap

First public release of my artificial intelligence for Sony ERS-7 robot dogs

After years of development, I created  the first public version of my AiBO+ AIBOWare for Sony ERS-7: AiBO+ 3.0 - AIBO Rebirth release.

A feature video can be watched:

The same video in 3D:

AiBO+ has the following capabilities at the moment:

- Basic postures: sit, stand, lie.
- Locomotion (walking, turning).
- A new, compatible Skitter is bundled. (thanks to DogsBody) [Smile]
- Avoiding near objects or deepness (e.g a stairway).
- Basic emotions: happy, angry.
- Recognizing the floor surface while walking.
- Crowdsourcing scientific data (machine learning samples).
- Adaptive LED brightness levels.
- Adaptive volume level according to the time of the day.
- Turning over if the robot is upside down.

The AiBO+ AIBOWare must be installed in a PMS stick and an AiBO+ Client application can be run under Windows, Ubuntu Linux and Android.

The installation instructions and a detailed user guide are available on this page:
